My First Hackathon Adventure

7 years ago

On Jan 13, 2018, I attended my first hackathon, graciously organized by the amazing people at StartupStorm. We had approximlatey 850 attendees, and I was luckly to be one of them. Somehow, probably due to the high caffeine intake, our team managed to create a final product that we call Huddle.


Somewhat Comprehensive Multivariable & Vector Calculus Formula Sheet

7 years ago

As a god-send from my MATH 217 professor this year, the class was permitted to bring in an 8.5 x 11 formula sheet to the final exam. As a result, I thought it would be a good learning experience to develop a rather comprehensive cheat sheet to, hopefully, infrequently reference during the exam.



Adding a Download Button to PhotoSwipe 4

8 years ago

Photoswipe 4 is a gallery lightbox coded in JavaScript by Dmitry Semenov. This lightbox is powerful, yet clean out of the box and offers many features, such as multi-device compatibility. While it has yet to support videos, it is perfect for images.

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